Ordering and availability

You can place orders by phone, email or post. We issue looking good and stock lists on a regular basis. They are designed like an order form so you can simply fill them out and send them back to our sales team.

You can download our latest stock and looking good lists below. For prices or to be included on our regular mailings send your details to our sales team via the contact form found below.

Download General Stock List (Excel)

Click here to download, the latest update dated 22nd July 2024.

Download General Stock List (PDF)

Click here to download, the latest update dated 22nd July 2024.

Download Looking Good List (Excel)

Click here to download, the latest updated dated 25th July 2024.



Download Looking Good List (PDF)

Click here to download, for latest update dated 25th July 2024.

Pictures of looking good plants

Please click on the Photo Album link to see our photo gallery of a SAMPLE Looking Good Image list. 

We'll start making photo's of the actual crop development again next season. 

All stock is now shown in one list

Our 2 litre list suitable for landscape or garden design customers is now incorporated in our General Stock List above.

You will find our complete stock of 9cm, 2L and Field Grown stock in one list, when plants are available. 

We make sure that the latest list is always on the website.

Contact the sales team

We store your data safely according to our privacy policy.

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